Spacecoast Catch and Release*
(Kinnebrew, John / Gossard, James) 2023
(Spacecoast Art Deco) x (The Ultimate
Sacrifice x tetra Cosmic Legacy)
Seedling number 184-19
Tetraploid 36" Early Season Semi-
Evergreen emo fr 7.5-8.5 " 4-6 way
branching 18-20 buds. Fertile both ways.
Very good rust, leaf streak and insect
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 5-10
Flowers are bicolor wine purple with cream
white appliqued throat and darker purple
eye zone. Petals and sepals are edged in
white and various shades of purple.
Variable form Crispate-Cascade. Another
outstanding use of converted genetics, the
first to introduce from tetra Cosmic Legacy.
Adds new genes, the seedling, 58-12=The
Ultimate Sacrifice x tetra Cosmic Legacy
had an appliqued throat. The conversion
reverted back to diploid and seedling 58-
12 was one of a kind. I love this flower and
used it heavily, was very pod fertile. It’s
extremely showy in the garden