(Kinnebrew, John / Gossard, James) 2018
(Spacecoast Barracuda) x (Beware The
Seedling number KT3
Tetraploid 38" Early Midseason
Semi-Evergreen emo fr 7" 4-5 way
branching 25-28 buds. Fertile both ways.
Very good rust, leaf streak and insect
resistance. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone
Spacecoast Grapesicle is one of four
siblings that either are, or have been,
introduced from the cross of Spacecoast
Barracuda x Beware the Piranha. Each of
the four siblings, which include Spacecoast
Vampire Butterfly and Spacecoast
Sawtooth, are outstanding in their own
right and bring something unique to the
table. Spacecoast Grapsicle is unique in
that it resembles a juicy grape in color and
exhibits the most northern vigor of the four
siblings. When grown and compared in
Florida and Ohio, it actually performs even
better in Ohio, with even better branching
and bud count in the north, trending more
toward semi-dormant than semi-evergreen.
Spacecoast Grapesicle has excellent pod
fertility as well, which is typically rare for a
toothy daylily. A very easy pod and pollen